Posts Tagged ‘Evolving’

Happy SaturnDay and Shabbos to all

The year 2019 is the year every thing changes for the better and we are all here to witness it.

I have not seen in my life the unity over all as I see it today with the world. You see so many people even coming together to at least agree there are some weird people running the world who are totally against human civilization advancing and singular human development. We all know by now that after studying and living through experience of anything that we get better as the years progress but here we are taking about the sciences of time and the attributes of planets which affect earth and the human mind, body and outcome. Astrology and the Ephemeris isn’t about dodging and getting lucky. We must be responsible with our academics and truly attempt at least to master what is important which is the human self. I totally know that for a beginner as I am around the corner from my journey’s paths first steps, that for one, its not easy and two, who wants to be hassled and grieved but there comes a time when we need to let go of the milk and go for the meat as it says in the bible which wasn’t a different meaning or purpose accept Paul the apostle of that time was talking about understanding what “the god” was saying but that it would be accepting what is to be understood. Today we are overstanding with intelligence also knowing when is the right time to go after that meat because we absolutely, no offence to animals and vegans but we need to know if we are able to process the meat. See there is a difference between being ready emotionally to leave the milk behind for the meat and knowing nwe are able. But if your not prepared, how can you stand it. And that is nothing compared to something as bad as ignoring what the true call is for this year and it points to the self on change. See, we are thinking luck and relief because we are human but the truth is that too much of a struggle makes an individual weary. Nevertheless, we must not allow ourselves to be carried away with our burderns when bing given a gift such as this releif that the universe is administering at this moment. So please put your big boy and big girl pants on and get into refining now because what I see coming in November is not gonna be good for those who just sat around believing “Well, I just know im gonna get lucky so why even bother”. Yeah, NO not cool man! Then when November comes around, those that worked hard will not be having to repeat dealing with certain unwanted and unprosperous energy. OYA will not be havong it! OYA will even cut her own children off for not listening over the years to CUT THAT DAMN DEAD WEIGHT OFF!!! What do you think, that the universe is gonna save your butt and not give what is earned to the one that wasnt sitting around and waiting for it???????????

The mind can do anything at any time true but I will let you know something. Yes, things are turning around for everyone but you will definitely see those who truly suffered in and through their patience but hard work and grinding and hustling….meaning they busted their asses and didn’t take shyt but made sure they did everything they knew they needed to not only “make it” but to purposefully with great ultimate power to reach for the true prize of the mark of the high calling which is to refine the self, keep the earth and help people in any way you can.

We who can “see” can feel this year continually shifting. If you have been paying close attention you will notice that those that take on the “rocky mode” or perfecting one’s life especially if you have been working hard many years before that focused on specific things in your life, that these shifts are in your favor and you can see those people having lots of success. It’s ok if you just stared to do the things that spirit has been telling you to do like, stop smoking, get in shape, eat healthy, forgive those you been hurting about, finish that project, finish that book your writing, clean your house, clean your room earn that black belt, make it to the top of your orchestral ensemble as a trombone player, make that closet for your wife, keep your mouth from ruining your life this summer…..believe me when I say that I have been depressed for a long time and i know what its like to constantly have the dead, ancestors, or deities you might believe in give you that look like “Alright come on buddy lets get yourself together” but still feel so alone or down and not want to do anything. However, the fight in me has sprung since last year working as a nurse in Hollywood and saving every penny for the event coordinating my partner and I are doing. Eventually if you take the time now by the end of the year or next year you will see the turnout. Hell, maybe even sooner.

THIS IS YOUR YEAR!!! I was homeless and I came out of it and instead of just fighting the unfair realities of oppression, I used my mind and spirit to find a way. You must dig deep in your soul and get serious about meditation and chakra work. You must get serious about your studies in spirituality. If you are at a job and you wonder why things arent happening for you, I’d always thinking on a mundane level at first for trying to solve my discrepancies on why am I not moving up at my job. 1- I am working too hard and not smart? 2- if i believe in energy work I should be serious about turning it towards my job. 3- you just might be in a toxic environment but can’t afford to quit and at the same time not really looking for another job.

There are so many other things in life. You must go inward and 2019 is the year even though we are reaching midpoint of the year its not too late to catch the positive shifting. When you start to perfect yourself the universe will follow up and bless you. Its just a matter of time. Take your energy or spirituality seriously. You can be an amazing and talented person at many things and even be successful but still have not healed from emotional trauma or completed things you were supposed to.complete years ago.



I just been in that Light type of mood lately. Even though power and essence behind the synchronization of energies/deities/gods with past time planetary alignments and exact moment of human birth , our minds do move passed this leaning on sciences or religion but it’s supposed to teach us to dig deeper and truly seek how it all works and/or where it really comes from. If it’s the cosmos then why not just learn them and learn to feel the energy and receive the messages?

Anyways, I love the idea that there is an Orisha which represents the wisest warrior dressed in white. King of the white cloth. I don’t know what it is. I was staying the Lucumi religion approach to viewing the conjunction of a god, elements, humans DOB and TOB. I found an easy way for people to find spirituality without the Nazi rules that come with Christianity through Orisha and the magical spirituality behind it. Though I have been initiated to a specific Orisha, I have worked with so many but have come to a very important meeting of the energies and Obatala seems to have walked right into my life or maybe it’s a part of me that I didn’t realize that’s not only was it there the whole time but it was never meant to be sought out but allowed to come out. I don’t think it was about me not being ready, I just had to purge a lot of crap I didn’t realize damaged my energy and aura. I am enjoying the low stress and evoking tranquil waves. So many people might not be able to get in a mode that they feel truly serene. It took too many years for me to finally let go of fear, pain, the past, false hope and whatever else holds us back. I finally just learned not to give a shyt anymore. I gotta look out for #1 and my own. This world only wants and wants but nobody wants to give and I have given all I could. This light we all seek is our own heart. Is your heart ready? This light that is slowing seeping in is so bright and so trusting yet it can be the darkest ever. It’s healing which is so for me and my family and friends but it needs tranquil energy. This is my final phase as I completely envelope myself into this new but not so new way. I heard a psych say once the only way to the top is Prudence, Gain, then comes Wealth. I guess you gotta be so sick of something before you actually do something about it.

Healing really does need to be in full effect for so many reasons but the most important is the self, the individual healing. How can you not be well and heal? I mean hell, I’ve don’t it but it wasn’t comfortable in the least bit. I hurt myself really bad but I healed and the pain came back and 3 psychic people told me it was due to stress. I pinpointed exactly what was worrying me and I finally let go. I believe healing needs much wellness and I do have it but there are things sometimes in one’s life that is better without like worry. Worrying almost killed me. Obatala is huge on healing the self. I believe ridding ourselves of those attachments that perhaps was of some use but now holds no prosperous energy and truly reaching the highest self even if it’s uncomfortable teaches to build the will and strength and it makes your magic stronger.  It’s a beautiful feeling to be able to have such a peace that you have the power to remove pain and infection from the human body with your just your thoughts. This father of the Orishas is more then Zen. Peace is the greatest attribute coming from this energy Obatala. I’m so thrilled to have been called by this spirit. For whatever reason my soul is yearning for this mode of light and peace, I’m going with it. Made refund Obatala, this isn’t new you. Show Love, show your light and don’t be afraid to care about people. This multitudes of loving kindness energy is so needed right now. Lift up your community and home with this and you will see the change.